023: Lessons from History

The Truth Is So Boring
The Truth Is So Boring
023: Lessons from History

democracy now clip on Greensboro

cut from this video

When: November 3, 1979
Where: Greensboro NC
Wikipedia blurb:

The Greensboro massacre was a deadly confrontation which occurred on November 3, 1979, in Greensboro, North Carolina, US, when members of the Ku Klux Klan and the American Nazi Party (ANP) shot and killed five participants of a “Death to the Klan” march organized by the Communist Workers Party (CWP). The killed included four members of the CWP, who had originally come to Greensboro to support workers’ rights activism among mostly black textile industry workers in the area. The Greensboro city police department had an informant within the KKK and ANP group who notified them that the Klan was prepared for armed violence.

more facts from Wikipedia

Two criminal trials of several Klan and ANP members were conducted by state and federal prosecutors. In the first trial, conducted by the state, five were charged with first-degree murder and felony riot. All were acquitted by a jury that concluded that the defendants acted in self-defense. A second, federal criminal civil rights trial in 1984, was brought against nine defendants. The trial resulted in an acquittal of all defendants, when the jury concluded that the men had acted based on political, rather than racial, motivations.

In 1980, surviving protesters filed a separate civil suit, led by the Christic Institute, against 87 defendants, seeking damages of $48 million. Defendants included the city of Greensboro, state of North Carolina, the Justice Department and the FBI. The suit alleged civil rights violations, failure to protect demonstrators, and wrongful death. Eight defendants were found liable for the wrongful death of the one protester who was not a member of the CWP. The city settled with the plaintiffs for $351,000.

skipping some details…

On August 15, 2017 and on October 6, 2020, the Greensboro City Council formally apologized for the massacre.

5 people killed, at least 12 injured.

BTB who killed the black panthers


  1. 7m01s Background on Newton and Seale + Watts riots
  2. 7m14s background of the black panthers
  3. 2m48s arming themselves for a war of survival
  4. 2m37s mulford act

Watts Riots 1965
Black Panthers’ Ten-point program published 1967

Tell the audience to Google LAPD Gangs


Kandiaronk’s critique of western culture, excerpted from chapter 2 of The Dawn of Everything by David Wengrow and David Graeber.

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