Tag: labor

021: Honest Mistakes

Widely varied topics this time. Up-front about some corrections, war crimes, carcinogens, qAnon, you name it! Amazing we managed to pack so much in to an hour broadcast.

020: Infrastructure Insider Trading, Bees, and Legally Smoking Pot at Work

This time, we talk mostly about Congressional trading habits and the destruction of a rare ecosystem, as well as a few other topics.

019: On Money and Debt

We discuss the implications of the origins of money after listening to some excerpts from David Graeber’s “Debt”.

017: Civic Holidays in September

In this episode we focus on the two civic holidays which occurred between broadcasts — Labor Day and September 11. I think you’ll find our perspective unique. This broadcast was a bit rough, but the content is important. Enjoy.

Corporate Power, the World on Fire, and Freeze Peach

This week, we discuss Amazon strong-arming small businesses, the 2021 Fire Season, the neoliberal threat to free speech, and a few other miscellaneous topics.